A student posted the following:

Do you take in consideration that many of us work full time and are on call 24/7 as well? I am not asking for an exception, but rather, understanding. Thank you


While I do understand that you have other responsibilities...I too work full time, and teach, and go to school full time...I also expect that you make your deadlines. You will find that all of your professors are cracking down on this as it is unacceptable to be consistently late to you job, it is also unacceptable to be consistently late in your school assignments.

How can I expand this response more? Any help from anyone will be appreciated. Thank you.


Everyone has to establish priorities in their life, and organize to meet those priorties. For those things that come in second, well, they may loose. Whining about it is silly, as well as unproductive.
I had a student who came to school and slept. Reason: He worked till two a.m. each morning. Did he have to do this? No, he wanted to make payments on his car. The outcome was that he barely passed chemistry, and he spent two weeks in the hospital for multiple injuries while driving home and going to sleep. He still limps now as an adult.
So establishing priorities with one's life is essential, and organizing efficiently around those is the key. Anything else that has consequences...such as being late to class or getting f's on papers not turned in...well, they are consequences.

Expanding on the response, it is important to acknowledge that many students have busy lives and multiple responsibilities. However, it is also crucial to emphasize the need for prioritization and effective time management.

One way to further address this issue is by highlighting the importance of setting realistic expectations and goals. Encourage the student to take a step back and evaluate their current commitments and responsibilities. This can help them determine what truly deserves their attention and where they may need to make adjustments.

Additionally, it might be helpful to suggest some strategies for time management and organization. For instance, advise the student to create a schedule or use a planner to keep track of their obligations and deadlines. This will allow them to allocate their time effectively and plan ahead to avoid last-minute rushes.

Furthermore, remind the student of the potential consequences of consistently being late or missing deadlines. Just like in a professional setting, tardiness and missed assignments can lead to negative outcomes, such as lower grades or even job loss. It is crucial to help the student understand that being prompt and meeting deadlines is a fundamental skill that will benefit them both academically and professionally.

Finally, it is important to maintain a supportive tone throughout the response. While it is essential to address the student's concerns, it is equally important to encourage and empower them to take control of their own time management and make informed decisions about their priorities.

In summary, when expanding the response, focus on the following points:

1. Acknowledge the student's busy schedule and multiple responsibilities.
2. Stress the need for setting realistic expectations and goals.
3. Provide practical strategies for effective time management and organization.
4. Discuss the potential consequences of consistently being late or missing deadlines.
5. Maintain a supportive tone throughout the response, encouraging the student to take control of their own priorities and time management.