Identify the part of speech or the form of a part of speech in the underlined portion of each sentence.

The yellow house down the street from me is for sale.
a. preposition
b. conjunction
c. adjective
d. adverb

I think it's A, since down is followed by a noun, but want to be sure. Seems like it could also be C. since it's describing?

What is underlined?

I am sorry. Down is underlined

You're on the right track! The underlined word "down" in the sentence "The yellow house down the street from me is for sale." is actually functioning as a preposition. Prepositions typically express relationships between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence. In this case, "down" is showing the location of the house in relation to the street. It is followed by the noun "the street," which confirms its prepositional function.

On the other hand, "down" is not an adjective here because it is not modifying a noun directly. And it is not an adverb either because it is not modifying a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

So, the correct answer in this case would be a. preposition.