In "All Together Now," Jordan uses appeals to emotion and appeals to reason to try to persuade their readers that her views are important. In a paragraph, cite one example of each kind of appeal in her work. Then, explain whether you find Jordans appeals convincing, supporting your ideas with logical reasons and relevant examples.

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To identify an example of an appeal to emotion in "All Together Now" by Jordan and an example of an appeal to reason, one would need to read and analyze the text. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find these examples:

1. Read the text: First, read "All Together Now" by Jordan carefully to understand the author's main arguments and the points they are trying to convey.

2. Identify emotional appeal: Look for language or statements that evoke emotions in the reader. This may include personal anecdotes, storytelling, vivid descriptions, or expressive language that aims to elicit feelings such as empathy, compassion, anger, or joy.

3. Identify appeals to reason: Look for statements or arguments that rely on logical reasoning, facts, evidence, expert opinions, or logical fallacies.

4. Analyze the examples: Once you have identified an example of each appeal, analyze their effectiveness in persuading the reader. Consider the following questions: Are the emotional appeals relatable and compelling? Do they provide strong reasons to support the author's views? Do the appeals to reason present logical arguments that are based on solid evidence? Are there any logical fallacies that weaken the overall argument?

By following these steps, you should be able to identify specific examples of each appeal and then analyze their effectiveness.

This is not math.