In the game SCRABBLE, there are 100 tiles. Two tiles are blank. Here is the number of tiles for each letter.

Letter Number of Tiles Letter Number of Tiles
A 9 N 6
B 2 O 8
C 2 P 2
D 4 Q 1
E 12 R 6
F 2 S 4
G 3 T 6
H 2 U 4
I 9 V 2
J 1 W 2
K 1 X 1
L 4 Y 2
M 2 Z 1

The 100 tiles are placed in a bag. One tile is picked at random.

Which letter has the greatest probability of being picked?

What is the probability of picking a blank?

Which letter has the least probability of being picked?

Which letters have the same probability of being picked? What are these probabilities?

Does any letter have a 0% chance of being picked? Explain.

Which letter has the greatest probability of being picked?

--I think that E would. It has the most amount of tiles out of the other letters in the bag.

What is the probability of picking a blank?


Which letter has the least probability of being picked?

--J, K, Z, X, Q all only have one tile.

Which letters have the same probability of being picked? What are these probabilities?

--List the letters and their probabilities, (amount of tiles) of all that have the same amount of tiles.

Does any letter have a 0% chance of being picked? Explain.

--No, I don't personally think so, but I could be wrong. They all have a chance of being picked, but if there were letter(s) that had no chance of being picked, I would look at the letters with only one tile. They have a lesser chance of being picked than the tiles with no letters on them.

Please do not just go by my answers. They may not be right

"Please do not just go by my answers. They may not be right"

So, Rasputin, why did you post this if you're not sure?

Thank you

To determine the greatest probability, we need to find the letter with the highest number of tiles relative to the total number of tiles.

The letter with the greatest probability of being picked is the letter E, with 12 tiles. To calculate the probability, we divide the number of E tiles (12) by the total number of tiles (100). Therefore, the probability of picking the letter E is 12/100 or 12%.

Next, we need to find the probability of picking a blank tile. There are two blank tiles, so the probability is 2/100 or 2%.

To find the letter with the least probability of being picked, we need to identify the letter with the lowest number of tiles relative to the total number of tiles. In this case, the letters Q, X, and Z each have only one tile. The probability of picking any of these letters is 1/100 or 1%.

There are several letters that have the same probability of being picked. These letters are B, C, F, H, J, K, M, V, W, Y, and Z. Each of these letters has 2 tiles, resulting in a probability of 2/100 or 2% for each of them.

No letter has a 0% chance of being picked because each letter has at least one tile. Even the least probable letters (Q, X, Z) have a probability of 1/100 or 1%.