use integers values from 3 to -3 to graph the equation y=-[x]

I don't know how to solve this please help and explain it

Did you mean y = - |x| ? , namely the absolute value?

in that case , all results of |x| would be positive, and -|x| would be negative.
ordered pairs would be
-3 -3
-2 -2
-1 -1
0 0
1 -1
2 -2
3 -3
plot them, remember you can't connect them with a straight line, since you are using
only integers in the domain

Thank you and i did |x| (thanks for telling me how to solve it instead of the anwser)

To graph the equation y = -[x], we need to substitute integer values from 3 to -3 for x and find the corresponding values of y.

Let's start by substituting x = 3 into the equation:
y = -[3]

The brackets around the x mean to take the floor value. The floor value of a number is the largest integer less than or equal to that number. In this case, the floor value of 3 is 3 itself.

So, y = -[3] = -3. Thus, when x = 3, y = -3.

Now let's continue with the other values of x:

For x = 2: y = -[2] = -2
For x = 1: y = -[1] = -1
For x = 0: y = -[0] = 0
For x = -1: y = -[-1] = -(-1) = -1
For x = -2: y = -[-2] = -(-2) = -2
For x = -3: y = -[-3] = -(-3) = -3

Now we have a set of corresponding x and y values:
(3, -3), (2, -2), (1, -1), (0, 0), (-1, -1), (-2, -2), (-3, -3)

Plotting these points on a graph, we get:

-|- | -|
| | |
-|- | -|
| | |

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
The graph will consist of points that lie on the line connecting these ordered pairs, connecting (-3, -3) to (3, -3), which passes through the points (2, -2), (-1, -1), and (0, 0).

So, the graph of the equation y = -[x] would be a straight line connecting these points.