Describe a situation that models a linear pattern and then describe a situation that models a nonlinear pattern.


A situation that models a linear pattern could be the relationship between the number of hours worked and the amount of money earned. Let’s consider a scenario where someone earns $10 per hour. If they work 5 hours, they would earn $50. If they work 10 hours, they would earn $100. In this example, we observe a constant increase in earnings with every additional hour worked. This demonstrates a linear pattern since the relationship is consistent and can be represented by a straight line on a graph.

On the other hand, a situation that models a nonlinear pattern could be the growth of a population of bacteria over time. Initially, the number of bacteria may increase slowly, but as time progresses, the growth rate accelerates. This phenomenon can be modeled using an exponential or logarithmic function. Unlike linear patterns, nonlinear patterns do not exhibit a constant rate of change.

lineal measurement: The length of your tounge.

Nonlineal: the distance around your neck.