What conflict resolution does Malala Yousafzai follow? 

Competition, Collaboration, Compromise, Accommodation, Avoidance 
I am actually not sure. I used the conflict with Malala and Taliban. 
Malala vs. Taliban : Intergroup conflict 
-Malala wants to provide girls with education and wants to stand up for the rights of girls. 
-However, the Taliban disagree with her. 
-They want girls to stay in homes and cook. They should have a male relative with them when they go outside. Girls should cover themselves. If you don't, it's considered against their cultural and religious values and beliefs. 
So, what conflict resolution did Malala Yousafzai use? 

I would say competition because she would say what she believed in as a speech. I wouldn't say she avoided or compromised at all. I mean she tried collaborating by making the Taliban understand what she wants and what they're doing is wrong.

Let me know if I am right please. I really need to know. Thank you. I've posted this before but I haven't got a reply to my question that I asked...


I think you're right.

Based on the information you provided about Malala Yousafzai's conflict with the Taliban, it seems that she primarily followed the conflict resolution strategy of collaboration. Collaboration involves actively addressing the conflict by working together to find a mutually satisfactory solution.

Malala consistently advocated for the rights of girls and their access to education. She spoke out against the Taliban's oppressive practices and tried to engage them in meaningful dialogue. Her efforts were aimed at making the Taliban understand the importance of education for girls and why their actions were wrong. This approach aligns with the collaborative conflict resolution style, which emphasizes open communication, understanding, and finding common ground.

While Malala may have also displayed elements of competition by speaking up for what she believed in and asserting her views, it seems that her main focus was on fostering cooperation and finding a resolution that benefitted all parties involved.

It is important to note that conflict resolution is a complex process, and individuals often utilize various strategies depending on the circumstances. In Malala's case, she used her voice and platform to collaborate with others and address the conflict between her advocacy for girls' education and the Taliban's opposition.