14. what impacted the Arab-Israeli wars have on the United States in the 1970s?

A .Support for Israel fill in the United States

B. closure of the red sea shipping lanes hurt American businesses

C. OPEC nations stop oil shipment to the United States

D. the United States sent military forces to help Israel

what is the Lesson 10: Unit

Test answers if i dont get at least 80% i cant have my phone for the whole summer plz help

Same Mr.SisterFister I'm borderline failing history right now and I cant fail this test

i think its A

When i finish the test ill post the answers

welp we never got those answers :(

A, it's A.

Support for Isreal.

oops it was fell not fill sorry

never depend on damon aka damn stooped, ms sue the thot, or anybody whos a teacher on this site

I disagree with A.

Read this and see what you think.


Thank you! ;)