I need 3 examples of metaphors and personification in the Book I am Regina by Sally M. Keehn

Please tell us what you've found, and we'll be glad to critique your answer.

I cannot, since I haven't ever read that book, but there are excellent explanations of these literary terms in the following websites that should help you find them yourself:



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To find examples of metaphors and personification in the book "I Am Regina" by Sally M. Keehn, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by reading the book or locating a reliable source that provides references or excerpts from the book. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the content and identify instances of metaphors and personification.

2. Once you have access to the text, pay attention to descriptions or comparisons that go beyond their literal meaning. Metaphors often involve a direct comparison between two unrelated things, while personification gives human attributes or characteristics to non-human entities.

3. Look for language that suggests metaphorical or personified elements. Metaphors can be identified by the use of "like" or "as" to imply a comparison, or by directly stating that one thing is another. Personification is often indicated by giving inanimate objects or animals human qualities or actions.

4. As you read, make note of any phrases or sentences that fit the criteria for metaphors or personification. Write down the examples, including the page numbers or locations in the text, to refer back to later.

By following these steps and engaging with the text, you will be able to identify examples of metaphors and personification in "I Am Regina" by Sally M. Keehn.