which of the following is true of a random sample

1. its the only way to sample a population
2. each member of the sample is a volunteer
3. it is always the easiest way o sample a population
4. Each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected

I'll be glad to check your answer.

i answered d is that correct

Yes, d.

The correct answer is: 4. Each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.

To determine the true statement about a random sample, let's examine each option:

1. "It's the only way to sample a population" - This statement is not true. While a random sample is one method of sampling a population, there are also other methods such as convenience sampling, stratified sampling, or quota sampling.

2. "Each member of the sample is a volunteer" - This statement may or may not be true. In a random sample, the individuals are selected randomly from the population, so it is possible that some members may volunteer while others are selected without volunteering.

3. "It is always the easiest way to sample a population" - This statement is not true. The ease of sampling depends on various factors, such as the size of the population, the resources available, or the research objectives. While a random sample is a common and frequently used method, it may not always be the easiest option.

4. "Each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected" - This statement is true and the defining characteristic of a random sample. In a random sample, every individual in the population has an equal and independent probability of being selected. This ensures that the sample is representative of the population, allowing for generalizations and statistical inference.

To summarize, the correct answer is 4. Each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.