What river near the city of Manaus is a tributary of the Amazon River?

Is it the Negro River or the Solimoes river because they both look like they are tributaries, but the Negro River is closer to Manaus?
Thank you!

If the map shows that Manaus is closer to the Negro, then that might just be the correct answer.

The river near the city of Manaus that is a tributary of the Amazon River is the Negro River. While both the Negro River and the Solimoes River are tributaries of the Amazon, the Negro River is indeed the one closest to Manaus.

To find this information, you can begin by searching for the city of Manaus. Manaus is located in the northern region of Brazil, surrounded by rivers and rainforests. You can then search for the major rivers near Manaus. The two main rivers that flow near the city are the Negro River and the Solimoes River.

To determine which is a tributary of the Amazon River, you can conduct a separate search for each river. Start by searching for "Negro River" and "Amazon River." You will find information that confirms the Negro River is indeed a tributary of the Amazon River. Repeat the process for the Solimoes River and you will find that it is also a tributary of the Amazon River, but further upstream.

In summary, the Negro River is the answer to your question, as it is the river near Manaus that serves as a tributary of the Amazon River.

The river near the city of Manaus that is a tributary of the Amazon River is the Negro River. While both the Negro River and the Solimoes River are indeed tributaries of the Amazon, the Negro River is the one that flows near Manaus. It is the largest blackwater river in the world and meets the Solimoes River to form the Amazon River near Manaus.