What are some good strenghts, and weaknesses to place on a job application. I'm feeling out a job application for papa johns pizza

If you have weaknesses, put them...There are no good weaknesses, so don't search for them. But if you have one, such as stuttering, or anxiety attacks, or suffer from kleptomania, tell them.
Strengths? Ask someone who is mature and knows you (Mom?). You need to be honest and accurate.

Is English your main language? Say so, if it is. If you know other languages, that should be a plus. You seem to have some difficulty with English punctuation and spelling. (Missing "?"; "feeling" for "filling", and not capitalizing "Papa John's". Have someone proofread your application.

When filling out a job application, it is important to showcase your strengths in a way that aligns with the requirements of the position you are applying for. Here are some tips on how to effectively present strengths and weaknesses on a job application:

1. Focus on relevant skills: Consider the job requirements and identify strengths that directly relate to those requirements. For example, if the job at Papa John's Pizza requires excellent customer service, you could highlight your strong communication and interpersonal skills.
2. Provide specific examples: Instead of simply listing strengths, provide examples or anecdotes that demonstrate how you have utilized these strengths in previous experiences. This helps to validate your claims and make them more impactful.
3. Showcase transferable skills: Even if you don't have direct experience in the field, identify transferable skills that can be applied to the position. For instance, if you have experience in a fast-paced environment, you could highlight your ability to work well under pressure.

1. Be honest and self-aware: It is important to be honest about your weaknesses, but remember to focus on ones that are not essential to the job requirements. Avoid mentioning weaknesses that directly relate to core aspects of the role.
2. Showcase growth and improvement: While discussing weaknesses, highlight how you are actively working to overcome them. This demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to personal development.
3. Provide context: Briefly explain the steps you have taken or are taking to address or manage your weaknesses. This shows that you are proactive and willing to take initiative to improve.

Remember, job applications should be proofread for grammar and spelling errors. If you are unsure about certain aspects, it can be beneficial to seek assistance from someone who is proficient in the language you are using.