Jane's artwork is displayed alongside other contemporary art pieces at the modern art museum.

which word that can be used to describe Jane's artwork has the most positive connotation?

original ####

####=my asnwer

I agree.


Yes you are correct!

To determine which word that can be used to describe Jane's artwork has the most positive connotation, it would be helpful to understand the meanings and connotations of the given options.

1. Weird: "Weird" generally carries a neutral or slightly negative connotation. It suggests something that is unusual or strange, but not necessarily in a positive way.

2. Eccentric: "Eccentric" is often associated with positive connotations. It refers to something or someone with unconventional or unique qualities, and is often perceived as interesting or intriguing.

3. Original: "Original" usually has a positive connotation. It implies that something is new, innovative, and fresh, with a sense of creativity and uniqueness. In the context of art, being original is considered highly valuable.

4. Odd: "Odd" typically has a slightly negative connotation. It implies something that is strange or unusual, but not necessarily in a positive way.

Given the options, "original" would be the word with the most positive connotation. Describing Jane's artwork as original suggests that it is innovative, creative, and distinct, which are generally seen as positive attributes in the art world.