
I need the work and how to check it too!

Victoria and Georgetown are 36.2 mi from each other. How far apart would
the cities be on a map that has a scale of 0.9 in: 10.5 mi?

0.9 * (36.2/10.5) = 3.1 in

To calculate the distance between Victoria and Georgetown on the map, you can use proportions.

Let's assume that the distance between the cities on the map is represented by "x" inches.

The given scale is 0.9 in: 10.5 mi. This means that for every 0.9 inches on the map, there are 10.5 miles in reality.

So, we can set up the proportion:

0.9 in / 10.5 mi = x in / 36.2 mi

To solve for "x", cross-multiply and divide:

10.5 mi * x in = 0.9 in * 36.2 mi

10.5x = 32.58

x = 32.58 / 10.5

x ≈ 3.108

Therefore, the distance between Victoria and Georgetown on the map would be approximately 3.108 inches.

To calculate the distance between Victoria and Georgetown on a map with a scale of 0.9 in: 10.5 mi ratio, you can use proportions.

The given scale is 0.9 in: 10.5 mi. This means that for every 0.9 inches on the map, the actual distance represents 10.5 miles.

Let's set up a proportion to find the distance between the cities on the map:

0.9 in / 10.5 mi = x in / 36.2 mi

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(0.9 in) * (36.2 mi) = (10.5 mi) * (x in)


32.58 in = 10.5 mi * x in

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 10.5 mi to solve for x:

32.58 in / 10.5 mi = x in

The units of miles on the left side should cancel out to give the answer in inches:

x ≈ 3.114 inches

Therefore, on a map with a scale of 0.9 in: 10.5 mi, Victoria and Georgetown would be approximately 3.114 inches apart.

10.5 miles ----> .9 inches

1 mile ----> .9/10.5 inches
then 36.2 miles ----> 36.2(.9/10.5) inches

start crunching the numbers