Explain the civil liberty being violated and state the amendment or law that protects that liberty.

The cartoon has a poor white who came to take a literacy test in order to vote. The sign says, "Voters Take Literacy Tests Here," and then at he bottom of the cartoon it says, "By th' way, what's that big word?" If you just search By th' way, what's that big word? it will pop up. I think this has something to do with discrimination, but I am a little confused. Thank you!

Read this carefully, especially Section 1.


Let us know what you decide.

I think that this article cleared up the confusion a bit. I think that the cartoon is showing that they put an obstacle, the literacy test, in the way of being able to vote which is a legal right for citizens. The fourteenth amendment protects this liberty. Is this correct Writeacher?

Yes, that's correct.

Based on the cartoon description you provided, it appears that the civil liberty being violated is the right to vote, and the amendment or law that protects that liberty is the 15th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, states that "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." This amendment was implemented to protect the voting rights of African American men who had previously been denied the right to vote due to racial discrimination.

In the cartoon, the poor white individual is faced with a literacy test as a requirement to vote. This literacy test was often used as a tool for discrimination and voter suppression, particularly targeting minority groups. By employing complex and unfamiliar words in the test, the authorities made it difficult for individuals to pass, thus effectively denying them their right to vote.

The irony depicted in the cartoon, where the individual questions the meaning of a "big word" despite the literacy test, highlights the arbitrary nature of these tests and their discriminatory intent.

To understand the specific context and message conveyed in the cartoon, it would be helpful to search for the cartoon itself or any accompanying text or analysis that provides further insights.