1. On the way home, Mom smiles and says, "Good job, Hojin. The concert is over. Move and laugh now. It's okay."

2. On our way home, Mom smiles and says, "Good job, Hojin. The concert is over. Move and laugh now. It's okay."

3. On her way home, Mom smiles and says, "Good job, Hojin. The concert is over. Move and laugh now. It's okay."

4. On his way home, Mom smiles and says, "Good job, Hojin. The concert is over. Move and laugh now. It's okay."
Q1: Does #1 mean #2 or #3?
Q2: What does "Mom smiles and says" mean, #5 or #6?
5. Mom smiles, and then she says, "Good job ....."
6. Mom smiles and says at the same time, "Good job....."

#1 could be addressed to anyone reading the sentences.

#2 implies that you (the writer) is part of the family with Mom and Hojin.

#3 and #4 are a bit off, but might mean the same as #1. The issue I see about these two is whether Mom and Hojin live in the same home or not. That is, is Mom's way home the same as Hojin's way home, or are do they live in different homes?

Q2 -- #5 implies that she smiles first and then starts talking (maybe without smiling, but that's not clear), while #6 means that she is smiling and talking at the same time.

Q1: Does #1 mean #2 or #3?

To determine whether #1 means #2 or #3, we need more context. The pronouns "her" and "his" in #3 and #4 respectively suggest that the speaker is referring to someone else's mom. So, assuming the speaker is not Hojin, #1 most likely means #2 in this case.

Q2: What does "Mom smiles and says" mean, #5 or #6?
To understand the meaning of "Mom smiles and says," we need to consider the context and the structure of the sentence. Both #5 and #6 can be interpreted as expressing that "Mom" smiles before speaking, but the difference lies in the timing and emphasis.

In #5, "Mom smiles, and then she says" suggests that the smiling occurs before the speaking, possibly with a slight pause or gap between the actions. This means Mom smiling is followed by her saying "Good job, Hojin."

In #6, "Mom smiles and says at the same time" implies that both actions occur simultaneously without any delay or pause. This would mean that Mom smiles while saying "Good job, Hojin."

Ultimately, the interpretation of "Mom smiles and says" could vary depending on the intended meaning conveyed by the author or context of the situation.