ummm what are some tips withh adding and subtracting fraction ? .... and what sign to you use when you have a postive and neg intger and you are add ing and what is it for subtracting

I don't know what level you are at, so I will be very basic.

The plus sign (+) is used to indicate addition. It is in the upper-right of your main keyboard with the equal sign (=). To get "+" you need to use the shift key along with the "+" key. To the immediate right of the "=" key is the dash that indicates the minus sign (-). It does not need the shift key.

I searched Google under the key words "add subtract fractions" to get these possible sources:

I hope this helps. If not, please repost with more specific questions. Thanks for asking.

When adding and subtracting fractions, here are some helpful tips:

1. Make sure the fractions have the same denominator. If they don't, you need to find a common denominator by finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. Once you have a common denominator, you can proceed with the addition or subtraction.

2. Once the denominators are the same, you can add or subtract the numerators. For addition, simply add the numerators together. For subtraction, subtract the second numerator from the first numerator.

3. After the addition or subtraction, simplify the fraction if possible by reducing it to its simplest form. This means finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator and dividing them both by it.

Regarding your question about positive and negative integers:

- When adding a positive and negative integer, the sign of the sum depends on the magnitudes of the numbers. If the absolute value (magnitude) of the positive integer is greater than the absolute value of the negative integer, the sum will be positive. If the absolute value of the negative integer is greater, the sum will be negative.
- When subtracting a positive and negative integer, it is equivalent to adding the opposite (negation) of the second number. So, changing the subtraction to addition and following the above rules for addition of positive and negative integers will give you the correct sign for the sum.

For example:
- (+5) + (-3) = +2 (positive because the positive integer has a greater magnitude)
- (+5) + (-7) = -2 (negative because the negative integer has a greater magnitude)
- (+5) - (-3) = (+5) + (+3) = +8 (positive because it was changed to addition and the positive integer has a greater magnitude)
- (+5) - (-7) = (+5) + (+7) = +12 (positive because it was changed to addition and the positive integer has a greater magnitude)

I hope this clarifies your question. Let me know if you have any further inquiries.