

 Which statement is correct?
Land animals are quicker than animals that fly
Insects can not move as quickly as land animals
Some birds can move more quickly than some land animals***
All birds can move more quickly than land animals

Considering the speed of the average penguin, I agree with your answer.

To determine which statement is correct, we need to analyze the information provided and eliminate the incorrect options.

The picture you shared is not available, but we can still try to answer the question based on the given options.

1. "Land animals are quicker than animals that fly": This statement is not necessarily true because there are animals on land that are slower than some flying animals.

2. "Insects cannot move as quickly as land animals": This statement is also not entirely accurate because there are certain insects that can move very quickly, such as the cheetah beetle.

3. "Some birds can move more quickly than some land animals": This statement is the most likely correct option. There are birds that can fly at high speeds, such as falcons, while there are land animals that are slower in comparison. However, it is important to note that this statement is not definitive, as there can be individual cases where certain land animals are faster than particular birds.

4. "All birds can move more quickly than land animals": This statement is incorrect because there are land animals, like the cheetah, that are known for their exceptional speed and can outrun most birds.

Therefore, based on the given options, the correct statement is: "Some birds can move more quickly than some land animals."