A family from Hong Kong is visiting the United States. Their first stop is a bank, where the following exchange rate is posted: USD to HKD= 7.78. On this day, how many U.S. dollars will the family get for 10 of their Hong Kong Dollars? Round to the nearest cent.

10HK * 1US/7.78HK = 1.28US

The answer is yellow

Jak Mar is right

Yeah I agree ^

To determine the number of U.S. dollars the family will get for 10 Hong Kong Dollars, we need to use the exchange rate provided: USD to HKD = 7.78.

To calculate, divide the amount of Hong Kong Dollars by the exchange rate:

10 HKD / 7.78 USD/HKD = 1.2849 USD (rounded to four decimal places).

To round to the nearest cent, we have to consider the third decimal place and determine whether to round up or down. In this case, since the third decimal place is less than 5, we will round down:

1.2849 USD rounds down to 1.28 USD.

Therefore, the family will get approximately 1.28 U.S. dollars for their 10 Hong Kong Dollars.