One day at 2:00 AM, the temperature was -9 F in Nome, Alaska. At 9:00 AM the temperature was 26 F. What was the average change in temperature in hours?

Need help

26 + 9 = 35 degrees

2 to 9 = 7 hours

Take it from there.

7/35 = .2

Average change = .2

Jeffrey is totally wrong. If the average change were 0.2, then in 7 hours the temperature would change 1.4 degrees.

Jeffrey -- don't mess other students up by posting something wrong.

To find the average change in temperature in hours, you first need to calculate the total change in temperature in Fahrenheit.

To do that, subtract the initial temperature from the final temperature:

Change in temperature = Final temperature - Initial temperature

Change in temperature = 26 F - (-9 F)

Next, you need to calculate the time duration in hours. In this case, the time duration is from 2:00 AM to 9:00 AM, which is 7 hours.

Finally, to calculate the average change in temperature per hour, divide the change in temperature by the time duration:

Average change per hour = Change in temperature / Time duration

Average change per hour = (26 F - (-9 F)) / 7 hours

Now, let's calculate the average change in temperature per hour:

Average change per hour = (26 + 9) / 7

Average change per hour = 35 / 7

Average change per hour = 5 F

Therefore, the average change in temperature per hour is 5 degrees Fahrenheit.