Need help writing a horror story. Already got a start but needing help with conclusion

Read Stephen King's "It".

Write about somebody who randomly was found dead in a theme park and they have no idea who did it . I gave you something now you have to write the rest.

I don’t think Maaaarie read ALL of Scarlett’s post or that from Anonymous — which is a good suggestion, by the way.

I like the opened ending in the horror story. I think that that would be a great idea to leave the reader with the questions.

Writing a conclusion for a horror story is exciting because it's the last opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here are some tips to help you create a gripping and satisfying ending for your horror story:

1. Reflect on the tone and atmosphere: Consider the tone you have established throughout your story. Is it dark and suspenseful or more psychological? Ensure your conclusion remains consistent with the overall mood you have developed.

2. Create a satisfying climax: The climax is the most intense and crucial part of your horror story. It's the moment when everything comes together and tension reaches its peak. Think about the main conflict or threat in your story and find a way to escalate it dramatically in the conclusion.

3. Unleash a surprising twist: A good horror story often includes a twist that leaves readers shocked or unsettled. Use the conclusion to reveal an unexpected truth, introduce a new layer of mystery, or expose a character's dark secret. Make sure the twist is fitting and hints at it may have been subtly dropped earlier in the narrative.

4. Emphasize emotional impact: Horror stories can evoke a range of emotions, from fear and anxiety to sadness or relief. Consider the emotional journey of your characters and how they have transformed throughout the story. Use the conclusion to provide a resolution that leaves readers with a strong emotional response.

5. Leave room for further speculation: If you want to leave your readers pondering long after they've finished your story, consider ending with an element of ambiguity. Provide enough information to wrap up the main storyline, but leave some questions unanswered, allowing readers to speculate and imagine their own endings.

Remember, the key to a great conclusion is providing a sense of closure while also leaving a lingering impact on your readers. Take time to brainstorm different ideas, and don't hesitate to revise and refine your conclusion until it feels just right for your horror story.