For my college english class we have to write a highly technical document, semi technical document, and non technical document. All them have to be on the same topic and a 1/2 page each. I was wondering if you had any ideas on what I can write on and what these documents really are because I'm confused about how to write them. I tryed looking up the different documents for examples but found nothing useful at all. I need a topic that I can write about for all three of them. Thank you for you time and understanding

Writing "process analysis" essays can be done in any of the three ways you mention above.

Read more about this type of writing. If you need more examples, search Google for "process analysis" -- including the quotation marks.

I can certainly help you with understanding the different types of documents and suggest a topic that you can write about for all three of them. Let's start by explaining the characteristics of each document type:

1. Highly Technical Document: This type of document is typically intended for an audience that has expertise and specialized knowledge in a particular field. It contains complex terminology, detailed explanations, and technical jargon specific to the subject matter. The main purpose is to provide in-depth information, analysis, and instructions related to a technical topic.

2. Semi-Technical Document: This document is designed for a slightly broader audience than the highly technical document. It should still contain some technical information but presented in a way that is more accessible to readers who may not have advanced knowledge of the subject. It generally includes a combination of technical content and explanations, aiming to educate readers without overwhelming them with intricate details.

3. Non-Technical Document: This document is intended for a general audience who may have little to no technical background or expertise in the subject matter. It should use plain language, avoid technical jargon, and focus on providing a clear and concise overview of the topic. The goal is to engage and inform readers in a way that is easily understandable and relatable.

Now, for choosing a topic that can be written about in all three document types, you could consider something like "Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life." This topic provides opportunities to explore the highly technical aspects of AI, such as deep learning algorithms or neural networks, in a highly technical document. In a semi-technical document, you can discuss how AI is transforming industries like healthcare, finance, or transportation, explaining its impact and benefits in a more accessible manner. Lastly, in a non-technical document, you can focus on discussing the use of AI in popular consumer applications like voice assistants, personalized recommendations, or smart devices, making it relatable and understandable to a general audience.

Remember, when writing each document, consider the target audience, the level of technicality, the appropriate language, and the depth of information you provide. These factors will help you differentiate each document type while maintaining a consistent topic throughout.