Read the following quote from John Adams:

"We have no government armed in power capable of contending with human passions unbridled [uncontrolled] by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."

Which of the following National-Republican ideas does this statement best support?

A powerful central government poses a threat to individual liberties.
The government should be responsible for making all national improvements.
The Constitution is a flexible document that should change as the country changes. ***
The framers of the Constitution did not mean for the government to protect the rights of individuals.

I think it is C because the National Republicans aligned with a loose interpretation of the Constitution.

I agree.

I don't like any of the choices, but C is the best answer.

it's c

Actually, based on the quote from John Adams, the National-Republican idea that best aligns with this statement is option D: "The framers of the Constitution did not mean for the government to protect the rights of individuals."

The quote suggests that Adams believed that the Constitution was designed specifically for a religious and moral people, and it would be inadequate for any other type of government. This implies that Adams believed the government's primary role was not to protect the rights of individuals but rather to govern a moral and religious society.

It is important to note that the National Republicans generally supported a strong central government and were not known for a flexible interpretation of the Constitution. Additionally, the idea that the government should be responsible for making all national improvements was more aligned with the ideology of the Federalist Party, not the National Republicans.

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