Ms. Anderson traveled from Nashville, Tennessee, to Kansas City, Missouri. Her trip was 480 miles and took 7 hours 30 minutes. Which trip represents the same rate of travel?

None of the above.

64 miles per hour

To find a trip that represents the same rate of travel as Ms. Anderson's trip, we need to calculate her rate or speed of travel. We can determine the average speed by dividing the total distance by the total time it took.

First, let's convert the time to a decimal format. Since 30 minutes is half an hour, we can add 0.5 to the number of hours. Thus, 7 hours 30 minutes becomes 7.5 hours.

Now, we can calculate the speed:

Speed = Distance / Time

Speed = 480 miles / 7.5 hours

Speed = 64 miles per hour

So, Ms. Anderson's rate of travel was 64 miles per hour.

Now we can consider other trips that have the same rate of travel. Suppose we have a trip from City A to City B. To find a trip with the same rate of travel, we need to calculate the distance and time taken for that trip.

Let's say the distance from City A to City B is X miles. To find the time taken, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Since the speed is 64 miles per hour and we want the time in hours, we can rearrange the formula as:

Time (in hours) = Distance (in miles) / Speed (in miles per hour)

So, for any given trip, we can calculate the time as:

Time (in hours) = X miles / 64 miles per hour

Hence, any trip that takes X miles and the time calculated using the formula above will represent the same rate of travel as Ms. Anderson's trip.