What is the difference between the two given data sets? which measure of center changed the most, mean , meadian or mode? which measure of center changed the least?

where are the two data sets?

the frist one is {16, 18, 28, 15, 15 22, 32, 20, 15, 28}

and second one is { 106, 18, 28, 15, 15 22, 32, 20, 15, 28}

From what I can make out, the only change is the 16 in the first set to 106 in the second set. The way this will change the mean, median, and mode is as follows:

The mode is the one that occurs most often and it doesn't change in this case. Which number is seen the most times in each set?
The median is the number that is in the middle when you put the numbers in order from least to greatest. In this case you have to add the middle two then divide by two since there are 10 numbers in the set. This is different for each of the above.
The mean, or average, will change because you get it by adding all of the numbers the dividing by 10 (the amount of numbers in the set)
Do these things and you will be able to see the results. Good Luck!

I am from the future..... I come in peace from the year 2022

To determine the difference between two data sets and which measure of center changed the most and the least, you need to compare the values of the mean, median, and mode in both sets.

Here are the steps to find the difference and identify the measures of center that changed the most and the least:

1. Compare the mean: Add up all the values in each data set and divide by the total number of values (the sample size) to find the mean. Calculate the difference between the means of the two data sets.

2. Compare the median: Arrange the values in each data set in ascending order. Find the middle value of each set, or the average of the two middle values if there is an even number of values. Calculate the difference between the medians of the two data sets.

3. Compare the mode: The mode is the value(s) that appear most frequently in a data set. If the modes of the two data sets are different, note this difference.

Once you have calculated the difference between each measure of center, you can determine which measure of center changed the most and the least.

For example, if the mean difference is greater than the median and mode differences, then the mean changed the most. Similarly, if the mode difference is zero or minimal, then the mode changed the least.

By following these steps, you can compare the two data sets, find the differences between the measures of center, and determine which measure changed the most and the least.