In 2009 it was estimated that Brazil had 3,663,000 children born and 1,262,000 people who died. The total population for the country was 198,739,000 people. Calculate the crude birth rate crude death rate annual growth rate and estimated doubling time not taking into consideration immigration and emigration for this country

To calculate the crude birth rate, crude death rate, annual growth rate, and estimated doubling time, we will use the following formulas:

Crude Birth Rate (CBR) = (Number of births / Total population) * 1,000
Crude Death Rate (CDR) = (Number of deaths / Total population) * 1,000
Annual Growth Rate (AGR) = (CBR - CDR) / 10
Estimated Doubling Time (EDT) = 70 / AGR

Let's calculate each of these values step by step:

1. Crude Birth Rate (CBR):
CBR = (Number of births / Total population) * 1,000
CBR = (3,663,000 / 198,739,000) * 1,000
CBR ≈ 18.44 births per 1,000 people

2. Crude Death Rate (CDR):
CDR = (Number of deaths / Total population) * 1,000
CDR = (1,262,000 / 198,739,000) * 1,000
CDR ≈ 6.35 deaths per 1,000 people

3. Annual Growth Rate (AGR):
AGR = (CBR - CDR) / 10
AGR = (18.44 - 6.35) / 10
AGR ≈ 1.309%

4. Estimated Doubling Time (EDT):
EDT = 70 / AGR
EDT = 70 / 1.309
EDT ≈ 53.44 years

Therefore, based on the given data, the crude birth rate is approximately 18.44 births per 1,000 people, the crude death rate is approximately 6.35 deaths per 1,000 people, the annual growth rate is approximately 1.309%, and the estimated doubling time is approximately 53.44 years.