1. Where do frosts roads diverge?

Frosts rads diverged in a yellow wood.

2. Which road did the speaker in Frosts poem choose?
The speaker took the road that was less traveled upon.

3. In frosts poem, the speaker chooses between two different paths in the wood. What alternatives does Whitman's speaker choose between?
The speaker's alternatives were he chose the road that was grassy, no the road that was tread upon

Those are good answers...however I would explain the last answer a little further.

how would you explain it?

To find the answers to these questions, I used my knowledge of literature and poetry analysis. If you want to find the answers to questions about Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" and Whitman's poem, "Song of the Open Road," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the poems: The first step is to read the poems themselves. In this case, you would read Frost's "The Road Not Taken" and Whitman's "Song of the Open Road" to gain an understanding of the content and context of the poems.

2. Analyze the poems: After reading the poems, analyze them to understand the themes, symbolism, and meaning. Look for any lines or phrases that mention the paths or roads, and consider how the speakers in the poems make their choices.

3. Focus on the roads or paths mentioned: Pay attention to the specific details mentioned in the poems about the roads or paths. In Frost's poem, the speaker talks about two roads diverging in a yellow wood, while Whitman's speaker discusses a grassy road that is less traveled upon.

4. Compare the choices made by the speakers: Once you have an understanding of the choices made by the speakers in each poem, compare them. Frost's speaker chooses the road that is less traveled upon, while Whitman's speaker chooses the road that is grassy and less traveled on. This will help you answer the question about the alternatives the speakers choose between in Whitman's poem.

By following these steps, you can find the answers to questions about these poems and gain a deeper understanding of their themes and messages.