When teachers discuss the elements of

art with students, they may say which?

1. "That's so pretty."
2. "I like that picture."
3 "What's that?"
4. "What strong lines your drawing has."

wouldn't the correct answer be #4?

Number 1 isn't very specific or visual. Pretty could mean several differnt things, and the word "pretty" doesn't have to be in every form of art. There are several different works of art that you wouldn't consider "pretty." It also wouldn't be considered an element of art.

Number 2 is a simple matter of opinion. You can't argue with an opinion; everyone has something different to say about something else and each person who has an opinion believes their's is true.

Number 3 doesn't say much; it has nothing to do with anything. It's basically saying either "Wow, you don't know how to do art," or "What's your input on this piece of work?"

Number 4 gives a visual and describes what you've drawn. Strong can mean in contrast or in value.

I would pick Number 4. Hope that helps! Sorry if it was too much info for a simple question. I have the tendancy to do that. =)

Yes, you are correct. The correct answer would be #4, "What strong lines your drawing has."

The reason for this is because when teachers discuss the elements of art with students, they typically focus on visual elements such as line, shape, color, texture, value, form, and space. Strong lines refer to bold, prominent lines that are noticeable in a drawing. It is a specific and visual observation that relates to one of the elements of art.

On the other hand, options #1, #2, and #3 are more subjective and do not directly address the elements of art. "That's so pretty" is a general comment that could apply to any type of art and does not provide specific information about the visual elements. "I like that picture" is a personal opinion, which may not align with the discussion of art elements. Lastly, "What's that" does not provide any insight into the elements of art and seems more like a question of curiosity or lack of understanding.

So, in the context of discussing elements of art, option #4 stands out as a more relevant and appropriate comment.