a submarine is at depth of 200 m below the sea level.it descends at uniform rate of 3m/s for 20 secobds. find its depth from the surface after 20 seconds




To find the depth of the submarine from the surface after 20 seconds, we need to consider its initial depth and the rate at which it descends.

Initial depth = 200 m (below the sea level)
Descent rate = 3 m/s
Time = 20 seconds

To calculate the depth after 20 seconds, we can use the equation:

Depth = Initial Depth + (Descent Rate * Time)

Plugging in the values we have:
Depth = 200 m + (3 m/s * 20 s)

Calculating the depth:
Depth = 200 m + 60 m
Depth = 260 meters

Therefore, the depth of the submarine from the surface after 20 seconds would be 260 meters.

nope. It started out at -200, and then descended farther.

that's better