Which identifies the significance of the Nuremberg trials?

ensured the execution of every high-ranking Nazi official

created four Allied occupation zones in postwar Germany

provided a precedent for international cooperation and justice for all war crimes

established the pattern for future friendly cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union


Yes, C.

Thank you!

i saw on brainly that it was that answer so im pretty sure it is.

I took the exam and C is the correct answer.

I took the exam and got 97.5% the answer is C. "provided a precedent for international cooperation and justice for all war crimes"

Yes, C is the correct option. The Nuremberg trials were a series of military tribunals held after World War II to bring Nazi war criminals to justice. The trials were significant for several reasons:

1. They provided a precedent for international cooperation and justice for war crimes: The trials were the first international efforts to hold individuals accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. They established the principle that individuals, including government officials, can be held responsible for their actions during times of war.

2. They established the pattern for future friendly cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union: Despite the political tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the post-war era, the Nuremberg trials demonstrated a level of cooperation between the two powers. They worked together to bring Nazi officials to justice and set a precedent for future cooperative efforts.

Option A is incorrect because the trials did not ensure the execution of every high-ranking Nazi official. While many high-ranking Nazi officials were sentenced to death, not all of them were executed. Some were given prison sentences or acquitted.

Option B is incorrect because the creation of Allied occupation zones in postwar Germany was actually established by the Potsdam Conference in 1945, not by the Nuremberg trials.

Option D is incorrect because while the trials did involve the cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union, they did not establish a pattern of future friendly cooperation. The tensions between the two powers continued to escalate during the Cold War.

no it’s not