What is the book The Breadwinner about? At school, my class is going to start reading it. I read it 3 years ago on my own but I forgot most of it lol.


"The Breadwinner" is a young adult book written by Deborah Ellis. It tells the story of a young girl named Parvana who lives in Kabul, Afghanistan, under the oppressive rule of the Taliban regime. When her father is wrongfully imprisoned, Parvana disguises herself as a boy in order to provide for her family and find a way to free her father. The novel explores themes of survival, gender roles, and the importance of education.

To refresh your memory and better prepare for your upcoming class reading, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Re-read the book: If possible, try to find a copy of the book and read it again. This will allow you to experience the story firsthand and be better equipped to participate in class discussions.

2. Sparknotes or other study guides: Online resources like Sparknotes provide detailed summaries and analysis of various books, including "The Breadwinner." These study guides usually include chapter summaries, character analyses, and thematic discussions, which can jog your memory and provide insights into the story.

3. Watch the movie adaptation: "The Breadwinner" was adapted into an animated film in 2017. Watching the movie can help you remember important plot points and characters, although keep in mind that adaptations may differ from the original book.

4. Online book reviews or discussions: Exploring online book reviews or participating in discussions on forums or social media platforms can give you a broader perspective on the book. Other readers may share their interpretations, insights, and overall impressions, which can help stimulate your memory and understanding of the story.

5. Discuss with classmates: Engage with your classmates who have also read or are currently reading "The Breadwinner." Share your thoughts, ask questions, and have meaningful discussions to collectively recall and analyze the book's content.

By employing these strategies, you should be able to refresh your memory about "The Breadwinner" and actively participate in class discussions.