Determine which ordered pair is a solution of y = -5x + 10.

A. (-15, 5)
B. (2, 0)••
C. (-1, -5)
D. (3, 25)

Find the slope of the line through (-9, 10) and (-2, -5).

A. -5/7
B. 7/5
C. 5/7
D. -7/5

If so can someone please describe how to get awnsers I really need to understand...<3

B. (2, 0)•• Agree because

y = -5x + 10 = -5(2) + 10 = -10+10 = 0

slope = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1)
(-9, 10) and (-2, -5)
slope = (-5 -10)/(-2- -9) = -15/7

To determine which ordered pair is a solution of y = -5x + 10, you can substitute the x and y values from each option into the equation and see if it satisfies the equation.

For option A, (-15, 5), substitute x = -15 and y = 5 into the equation:
5 = -5*(-15) + 10
5 = 75 + 10
5 = 85
Since 5 is not equal to 85, (-15, 5) is not a solution.

For option B, (2, 0), substitute x = 2 and y = 0 into the equation:
0 = -5*(2) + 10
0 = -10 + 10
0 = 0
Since 0 is equal to 0, (2, 0) is a solution.

For option C, (-1, -5), substitute x = -1 and y = -5 into the equation:
-5 = -5*(-1) + 10
-5 = 5 + 10
-5 = 15
Since -5 is not equal to 15, (-1, -5) is not a solution.

For option D, (3, 25), substitute x = 3 and y = 25 into the equation:
25 = -5*(3) + 10
25 = -15 + 10
25 = -5
Since 25 is not equal to -5, (3, 25) is not a solution.

Therefore, the solution is option B, (2, 0).

To find the slope of the line through (-9, 10) and (-2, -5), you can use the formula:

slope = (change in y) / (change in x)

To find the change in y, subtract the y-coordinate of one point from the y-coordinate of the other point:
change in y = -5 - 10 = -15

To find the change in x, subtract the x-coordinate of one point from the x-coordinate of the other point:
change in x = -2 - (-9) = -2 + 9 = 7

Now, divide the change in y by the change in x:
slope = (-15) / 7

The slope is approximately -15/7.

Therefore, the answer is option A, -15/7.