Did I do this correctly?

13 - (2c + 2) >(pretend it has the line under it that means greater than or equal to) 2(c + 2) + 3c

13 -2c -2 (greater than or equal to) 5c + 4

11c (greater than or equal to) 7c + 4
-7c to both sides

4c (greater than or equal to) 4
divide both sides by 4

c is greater than or equal to 1



13-(2c+2)>= 2(c+2)+3c

11>=7c+4(((((this varies from yours, from here onward))))
c is less than or equal to 1

How did you get the 7 > 7c?

If you follow my work, you get it. I subtracted 2 from 13 to get 11, then subtacted 4 from both sides.

Thank you! I don't know why I didn't see that.

To verify if you did the problem correctly, let's go through the steps together.

Starting with the given inequality:
13 - (2c + 2) ≥ 2(c + 2) + 3c

First, simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
13 - 2c - 2 ≥ 2c + 4 + 3c

Next, combine like terms on both sides of the inequality:
11 - 2c ≥ 5c + 4

Now, to isolate the variable "c", let's move all terms with "c" to one side and all constant terms to the other side. We can achieve this by subtracting 5c from both sides and adding 2 to both sides:
11 - 7c ≥ 4

Simplifying further, we have:
-7c ≥ -7

To solve for "c", divide both sides of the inequality by -7. But remember, when you divide by a negative number, you need to reverse the inequality sign:
c ≤ -7 / -7
c ≤ 1

So, you made a slight error in your final conclusion. The correct answer should be: c ≤ 1.

I hope this helps clarify the problem! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.