9.Use of the Internet for grassroots organizing, political commentary, and fund-raising has become a standard due to developments in the __________ presidential campaigns.








So b? in 2000

To find the answer to this question, we need to look at the historical developments in presidential campaigns and how they have utilized the Internet for grassroots organizing, political commentary, and fund-raising. Let's analyze each option:

a. 1996: During the presidential campaign of 1996, the Internet was still relatively new and not widely adopted for political purposes. Its use in grassroots organizing, political commentary, and fund-raising was minimal.

b. 2000: In the 2000 presidential campaign, the Internet started to gain more prominence and became an important tool for political campaigns. However, its use for grassroots organizing, political commentary, and fund-raising was not yet standardized.

c. 2004: By the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internet had become more ingrained in political campaigns. Websites, blogs, and online communities began to emerge, offering platforms for grassroots organizing, political commentary, and fund-raising. However, it still hadn't become a standard practice.

d. 2008: The 2008 presidential campaign saw a significant shift in the use of the Internet for grassroots organizing, political commentary, and fund-raising. Barack Obama's campaign, in particular, leveraged the power of social media and online platforms to mobilize supporters and raise funds. This campaign is often cited as a turning point where the use of the Internet became standard for these purposes.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is d. 2008. This campaign marked a notable development in the utilization of the Internet for grassroots organizing, political commentary, and fund-raising in presidential campaigns.