For the curve given by 4x^2 + y^2 = 48 + 2 * x * y, find the positive y-coordinate given that the x-coordinate is 2.

insert into the equation for x, two. Then solve for y.


y=8, or -4 when x=2

To find the positive y-coordinate for a given x-coordinate of 2, we need to substitute x = 2 into the equation 4x^2 + y^2 = 48 + 2 * x * y and solve for y.

Step 1: Substitute x = 2 into the equation:
4(2)^2 + y^2 = 48 + 2 * 2 * y

16 + y^2 = 48 + 4y

Step 2: Move all terms to one side of the equation:
y^2 - 4y - 32 = 0

Step 3: Factor the quadratic equation:
(y - 8)(y + 4) = 0

The equation is now factored, and we can solve for y:

Case 1:
y - 8 = 0
y = 8

Case 2:
y + 4 = 0
y = -4

Since we are looking for the positive y-coordinate, the solution is y = 8.

Therefore, for the curve given by 4x^2 + y^2 = 48 + 2 * x * y and x = 2, the positive y-coordinate is 8.