Plot the three points with first coordinate equal to (-2,8) and join them

what do you mean by "first coordinate equal to (-2,8)"?

That's a point, not a coordinate.

If you mean 1st coordinate of -2, then just pick three other numbers for the 2nd coordinate.

If you don't know how to plot points, you need to
(a) read your course material
(b) google the topic

Thanks very much for the response.

To plot the points (-2,8), you need to use a coordinate plane. The first coordinate (-2) represents the x-axis, and the second coordinate (8) represents the y-axis.

Here's how you can plot the points and join them:

1. Draw a horizontal line for the x-axis and a vertical line for the y-axis, intersecting each other at the origin (0,0).

2. Locate the point (-2,8) on the graph. Start at the origin (0,0) and move left along the x-axis by 2 units. Once you reach the position, move up along the y-axis by 8 units. Mark this point as (-2,8) on the graph.

3. Repeat the process for the remaining points. If you have additional points, locate them on the graph by following the same steps.

4. Once you have plotted all the points, join them together by drawing a line segment between each pair of consecutive points. In this case, you only have one point, so you won't be able to connect multiple points.

Your graph should show the point (-2,8) on the coordinate plane.