I don't understand this question?

List some of the issues facing our society related to marriage, divorce and living together without legal paperwork.

What are problems related to marriage, divorce, and living together?

I can see the difficulties with broken families, spouse abuse, and impoverished divorcees.

Check these sites.


Betty, there are books on this, and in College, courses on this. One cannot cover the issues in a post.

To understand the question better, let's break it down into three parts: issues related to marriage, divorce, and living together without legal paperwork.

1. Issues related to marriage:
When it comes to marriage, some common issues that our society faces include:
- Marital conflicts and domestic violence
- Lack of communication and emotional disconnect
- Financial disagreements and issues
- Infidelity and trust issues within relationships
- Gender inequality and power dynamics
- Interreligious and intercultural conflicts in mixed marriages

2. Issues related to divorce:
Divorce can bring about a range of challenges:
- Emotional and psychological distress for both parties involved, especially if there are children
- Financial consequences, such as division of assets and alimony payments
- Parenting disputes and child custody battles
- Legal complexities and court proceedings
- Social stigma or judgment from friends, family, and society
- Breakdown of the support system and potential loss of relationships

3. Issues related to living together without legal paperwork:
Living together without legal paperwork refers to cohabitation without being formally married or registered partners. Some of the issues surrounding this arrangement are:
- Lack of legal protection: Without formal legal recognition, individuals may have limited legal rights and protections in terms of property division, inheritance, and decision-making.
- Financial concerns: The absence of legal frameworks can create challenges in terms of joint financial decisions, debt issues, and coordinating expenses.
- Relationship insecurities: Living together without legal paperwork can lead to uncertainties about commitment levels and long-term future plans for both partners.
- Lack of societal recognition: Some communities or individuals may not view cohabitation without marriage as a legitimate or acceptable form of relationship, leading to social stigma or exclusion.

To grasp these issues, it's helpful to stay informed about social trends, engage in dialogue with people who have experienced them, read articles or research on the subject, and seek out different perspectives on marriage, divorce, and cohabitation.