a formula for changing temperature to Fahrenheit from Celsius is f = 1.8C +32

work out the Fahrenheit when it is 30 degrees Celsius

F = 1.8 * 30 + 32

= 54 + 32

beach day

F 1.8 30 +32=54+32

To work out the Fahrenheit when it is 30 degrees Celsius, you can use the formula f = 1.8C + 32.

First, substitute C with the given temperature, which is 30 degrees Celsius:
f = 1.8(30) + 32

Next, calculate the value inside the parentheses:
f = 54 + 32

Finally, add the two values together to get the final result:
f = 86

Therefore, when it is 30 degrees Celsius, it is 86 degrees Fahrenheit.