Using the if… else if, write a menu-driven program that permits the user to select one of the metric conversions: Lengths Weights Volumes Areas Use the following conversions:

For Length: Inches to centimeter (1 inch = 2.54 cm) Yards to meters (1 yard = 0.9144 m) Miles to kilometers (1 mile = 1.609344 km)
For Weights: Ounces to grams (1 ounce = 28.349523 g) Pounds to kilograms (1 pound = 0.453592 kg) Tons to kilograms (1 ton = 907.18474 kg)
For Volumes: Pints to liters (1 pint = 0.473163 l) Quarts to liters (1 quart = 0.946326 l) Gallons to liters (1 gallon = 3.785306 l)
For Areas: Square inches to square millimeters (1 sq. in. = 645.16 Square feet to square meters (1 sq. foot = 0.09290304 sq.m) Acres to square meters (1 Acre = 4.04686x10^3 sq.m)

so what is your question on this assignment? Surely you do not want someone to write the code for you.

if category = "length" then

  if inunit = "inch" then
    outunit = "centimeter"
    outamt = inamt * 2.54
  elseif inunit = ...
elseif category = "weight" then

kinda klunky, but it does the job.
Just fill in all the other possibilities.

To write a menu-driven program using the "if...else if" structure for metric conversions, you will need to take input from the user and perform different conversions based on their selection. Here's an example of how you can implement it in Python:

# Display the menu options
print("Metric Conversion Menu:")
print("1. Length")
print("2. Weight")
print("3. Volume")
print("4. Area")
print("5. Exit")

# Take user's choice
choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1-5): "))

# Perform the selected conversion based on the choice
if choice == 1:
# Length conversions
print("Length Conversions:")
print("1. Inches to Centimeters")
print("2. Yards to Meters")
print("3. Miles to Kilometers")
length_choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1-3): "))
if length_choice == 1:
inches = float(input("Enter the length in inches: "))
centimeters = inches * 2.54
print(f"{inches} inches = {centimeters} centimeters")
elif length_choice == 2:
yards = float(input("Enter the length in yards: "))
meters = yards * 0.9144
print(f"{yards} yards = {meters} meters")
elif length_choice == 3:
miles = float(input("Enter the length in miles: "))
kilometers = miles * 1.609344
print(f"{miles} miles = {kilometers} kilometers")
print("Invalid choice")

elif choice == 2:
# Weight conversions
print("Weight Conversions:")
print("1. Ounces to Grams")
print("2. Pounds to Kilograms")
print("3. Tons to Kilograms")
weight_choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1-3): "))
if weight_choice == 1:
ounces = float(input("Enter the weight in ounces: "))
grams = ounces * 28.349523
print(f"{ounces} ounces = {grams} grams")
elif weight_choice == 2:
pounds = float(input("Enter the weight in pounds: "))
kilograms = pounds * 0.453592
print(f"{pounds} pounds = {kilograms} kilograms")
elif weight_choice == 3:
tons = float(input("Enter the weight in tons: "))
kilograms = tons * 907.18474
print(f"{tons} tons = {kilograms} kilograms")
print("Invalid choice")

elif choice == 3:
# Volume conversions
print("Volume Conversions:")
print("1. Pints to Liters")
print("2. Quarts to Liters")
print("3. Gallons to Liters")
volume_choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1-3): "))
if volume_choice == 1:
pints = float(input("Enter the volume in pints: "))
liters = pints * 0.473163
print(f"{pints} pints = {liters} liters")
elif volume_choice == 2:
quarts = float(input("Enter the volume in quarts: "))
liters = quarts * 0.946326
print(f"{quarts} quarts = {liters} liters")
elif volume_choice == 3:
gallons = float(input("Enter the volume in gallons: "))
liters = gallons * 3.785306
print(f"{gallons} gallons = {liters} liters")
print("Invalid choice")

elif choice == 4:
# Area conversions
print("Area Conversions:")
print("1. Square Inches to Square Millimeters")
print("2. Square Feet to Square Meters")
print("3. Acres to Square Meters")
area_choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1-3): "))
if area_choice == 1:
sq_inches = float(input("Enter the area in square inches: "))
sq_mm = sq_inches * 645.16
print(f"{sq_inches} square inches = {sq_mm} square millimeters")
elif area_choice == 2:
sq_feet = float(input("Enter the area in square feet: "))
sq_meters = sq_feet * 0.09290304
print(f"{sq_feet} square feet = {sq_meters} square meters")
elif area_choice == 3:
acres = float(input("Enter the area in acres: "))
sq_meters = acres * 4.04686e3
print(f"{acres} acres = {sq_meters} square meters")
print("Invalid choice")

elif choice == 5:
# Exit the program
print("Exiting the program...")

print("Invalid choice")

This program displays a menu of conversion options, takes user input, and performs the selected conversion. It will continue to run until the user chooses to exit the program by selecting option 5.