To make sure I'm on the right track could you assist me in this one.

For number 4. if the question states La mainson de Thomas est jolie.

Is the answer. Sa maison de Thomas est Jolie.
P.S. I have a pc and my text book is called Bon Voyage! copyright 2002 Glencoe French 1

It should be either

"La maison de Thomas est jolie"
"Sa maison est jolie"

could you check some more please

Excellent! You can count on E.G. who is a super student! :)

Sra (aka Mme)

For question 4, based on the information you provided from your textbook "Bon Voyage! copyright 2002 Glencoe French 1," it seems like you are working on possessive adjectives in French.

In this case, the question states "La maison de Thomas est jolie." To answer this question using a possessive adjective, you need to determine the appropriate possessive adjective for "Thomas."

For "Thomas," the possessive adjective you should use is "sa," which means "his" or "her" in English. Therefore, the correct answer would be "Sa maison de Thomas est jolie."

To arrive at this answer, here's the process you can follow:

1. Identify the subject: In this case, the subject is "Thomas" (as mentioned in the question).

2. Determine the gender of the subject: If you know the gender of "Thomas," use the appropriate possessive adjective. If you're unsure or it's not specified, you can default to using the masculine form in French, which is "sa" for possessive adjectives.

3. Select the correct possessive adjective: In this case, "Thomas" is a masculine name, so you would use "sa" (his/her) as the possessive adjective.

Remember, possessive adjectives in French agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify.