Al2O3 + 2NaOH = 2NaAlO2 +H2O

What is the conclusion that you take about nature of aluminum oxide with help of equation.Give reasons for conclusions?

You can say that Al has a +3 charge and O has a -2 charge and therefore AlO2 has a -1 charge.

The inference you can make this reaction is that Aluminum oxide is a basic oxide, because it forms a salt upon reacting with a base.

(Do keep in mind, however, that Al2O3 is amphoteric. From this reaction, you can only infer its basic nature)

Is not alminium electropositive?

Based on the given equation, we can draw the following conclusions about the nature of aluminum oxide (Al2O3):

1. Aluminum oxide is a basic oxide: In the reaction, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) reacts with aluminum oxide (Al2O3) to produce sodium aluminate (NaAlO2) and water (H2O). Since NaOH is a strong base and the reaction produces a salt (NaAlO2), while also consuming an oxide (Al2O3), we can conclude that aluminum oxide is a basic oxide.

2. Aluminum oxide can neutralize acids: The formation of water (H2O) in the reaction indicates that aluminum oxide has acidic properties, as it can react with the strong base (NaOH) to neutralize its effects and produce a salt. This behavior suggests that aluminum oxide can also react with acids to form salts and water.

Overall, the reaction between aluminum oxide and sodium hydroxide suggests that aluminum oxide is amphoteric, meaning it can exhibit both acidic and basic properties, depending on the reacting conditions. Its behavior as an amphoteric oxide allows it to react with both acids and bases.