what whole number makes the number sentence below FALSE.

21 - x >7

a. 13
b. 12
c. 7
d. 5

To determine which whole number makes the number sentence false, we need to solve the inequality 21 - x > 7.

To do this, you can start by isolating the "x" variable by subtracting 7 from both sides of the inequality:

21 - 7 - x > 7 - 7
14 - x > 0

Next, we can further isolate the "x" variable by subtracting 14 from both sides of the inequality:

14 - x - 14 > 0 - 14
-x > -14

To solve for "x," we need to multiply both sides of the inequality by -1. Remember that when multiplying or dividing an inequality by a negative number, we need to reverse the direction of the inequality sign:

(-1)(-x) < (-1)(-14)
x < 14

So, the inequality simplifies to x < 14. This means that any whole number less than 14 will make the inequality false.

Now let's check the answer choices:

a. 13: 21 - 13 > 7 ----> 8 > 7 (This is true, so it is NOT the answer)
b. 12: 21 - 12 > 7 ----> 9 > 7 (This is true, so it is NOT the answer)
c. 7: 21 - 7 > 7 -----> 14 > 7 (This is true, so it is NOT the answer)
d. 5: 21 - 5 > 7 -----> 16 > 7 (This is true, so it is NOT the answer)

None of the answer choices satisfy the inequality and make it false. Therefore, none of the options provided (a, b, c, or d) are correct.