If a dance floor is 20 feet long and 30 feet wide. How many people will fit on this dance floor if you assume each person will dance in a space that is 2 feet wide and 2 feet long?

Find the area of the floor

Find the area that each person needs
Divide one by the other.

Find the area of the dance floor Area=Lengthxwidth

Then divide by the 2x2=4feet each person needs.
This will tell you how many people fit on the dance floor.

To determine the total number of people that can fit on the dance floor, we need to calculate the area of the dance floor and divide it by the area required by each person.

First, let's calculate the area of the dance floor:
Area = Length × Width = 20 feet × 30 feet = 600 square feet

Next, we calculate the area required by each person:
Area per person = Length per person × Width per person = 2 feet × 2 feet = 4 square feet

Finally, divide the area of the dance floor by the area per person to get the total number of people that can fit:
Total number of people = Area of the dance floor / Area per person = 600 square feet / 4 square feet = 150 people

Therefore, approximately 150 people can fit on this dance floor.