Porto Alegre, Brazil and Coquimbo, Chile are both near 30 degrees S latitude. Are both of them the same degrees from the equator?

Yes, of course.

To determine if Porto Alegre, Brazil and Coquimbo, Chile are the same degrees from the equator even though they are both near 30 degrees S latitude, we can use a map or an online mapping tool.

1. Open a map or an online mapping tool like Google Maps.
2. Search for Porto Alegre, Brazil and Coquimbo, Chile.
3. Locate the latitude coordinates of each location.

By doing this, you will find that Porto Alegre, Brazil is located at approximately 30 degrees S latitude, while Coquimbo, Chile is situated at around 29 degrees S latitude. Therefore, Porto Alegre is approximately 30 degrees from the equator, whereas Coquimbo is slightly less, around 29 degrees from the equator.

Hence, the two locations are not at the same distance from the equator, with a slight variation of around 1 degree between them.