parallelogram ABCD:

Angle BAC = 35 and angle BCA = 20

How can I find the measure of angle BAD and the measure of angle ABC?

DAC = 20 becase AD ||BC

BAD 20 + 35 = 55

20 + 35 + ABC = 180

m angle BAD = 55, so m angle ABC = ?

To find the measure of angle BAD and angle ABC in parallelogram ABCD, follow these steps:

Step 1: Recall that opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal. This means that angle ADC is also equal to angle BAC, and angle CDA is equal to angle BCA.

Step 2: Use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. Since triangle ABC is a triangle, you can find the measure of angle ABC by subtracting the measures of angle BAC and angle BCA from 180 degrees.

Step 3: Once you have the measure of angle ABC, use the fact that opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal to find the measure of angle BAD. Angle BAD is equal to angle ABC.

Let's now calculate the measures:

Step 1: Given angle BAC = 35 degrees and angle BCA = 20 degrees.

Step 2: Since angle BAC = angle ADC and angle BCA = angle CDA, we have angle ADC = 35 degrees and angle CDA = 20 degrees.

Step 3: To find angle ABC, subtract the measures of angle BAC and angle BCA from 180 degrees:
Angle ABC = 180 degrees - 35 degrees - 20 degrees
= 125 degrees.

Step 4: Finally, since angle BAD = angle ABC, we have:
Angle BAD = 125 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of angle ABC is 125 degrees, and the measure of angle BAD is also 125 degrees.

To find the measure of angle BAD and angle ABC in parallelogram ABCD, you can use the properties of parallelograms.

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are congruent. Therefore, angle BCA is congruent to angle CDA, and angle ABC is congruent to angle ADC.

Given that angle BCA is 20 degrees, you can conclude that angle CDA is also 20 degrees.

To find the measure of angle BAD, you can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. Since angle BAC is 35 degrees and angle BCA is 20 degrees, you can calculate angle BAD as follows:

Angle BAD = 180 degrees - (angle BAC + angle BCA)

Angle BAD = 180 degrees - (35 degrees + 20 degrees)

Angle BAD = 180 degrees - 55 degrees

Angle BAD = 125 degrees

So, angle BAD measures 125 degrees and angle ABC measures 20 degrees.