A metal rod is moving in uniform magnetic field of 2T with a velocity perpendicular to the direction of the field as shown on the diagram. If the speed of the rod is 5m/s and the distance between points A and B is 0.1 meters what is the potential difference (voltage) between point A and point B?


ok so i know the equation i will be using is motional emf equaiton but i'm very confused. the answer is -1 V but how?


Now the sign (+-) will depend on the right hand rule, and I have no idea what the figure looks like.

To find the potential difference (voltage) between points A and B, you need to use the equation for motional electromotive force (emf). The equation is as follows:

emf = B * v * d

- emf is the electromotive force or potential difference (voltage) between points A and B
- B is the magnetic field strength
- v is the velocity of the rod
- d is the distance between points A and B

In this case, you are given the following values:
- B = 2 T (Tesla)
- v = 5 m/s (meters per second)
- d = 0.1 m (meters)

Now, let's substitute the given values into the equation:

emf = 2 T * 5 m/s * 0.1 m
= 1 V

So, the potential difference (voltage) between points A and B is 1 V, not -1 V as you mentioned. It's important to note that potential difference is a scalar quantity and doesn't have a direction. Therefore, it only has a magnitude (positive in this case).