What did the North hope to achieve by fighting the Civil War?

A. preservation of states’ rights
B. an end to slavery**
C. equality for all
D.preservation of the slave system

NOT so sure....

Which of the following describes the effect of new military technology on the
Civil War?
More accurate weapons resulted in fewer casualties.
More accurate weapons resulted in huge casualties.***
Stronger ships resulted in fewer sea battles.
New weapons reduced the need for blockades.

What problem did the Missouri Compromise solve?

Southern states wanted to admit a free state.
Northerners did not want more slave states than free states.*****
Missouri had to choose to be a free state or a slave state.
Missouri wanted to join the United States as a free state.

Please help! I studied,  but I'm still having some trouble!

Great! Your answers are all right.

Thank you!

You are welcome,

I can help clarify and explain the answers to your questions.

1. What did the North hope to achieve by fighting the Civil War?
The correct answer is B. An end to slavery. During the Civil War, the Northern states, also known as the Union, fought against the Southern states, known as the Confederacy. One of the main goals of the Union was to abolish slavery and ensure that it did not spread to new territories.

To arrive at this answer, you can look at the main factors and events leading to the Civil War, such as the conflict over slavery and the differences between the North and the South. You can also study the war's outcome, including the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery.

2. Which of the following describes the effect of new military technology on the Civil War?
The correct answer is B. More accurate weapons resulted in huge casualties. The Civil War saw the introduction of new technologies, such as more accurate rifles, artillery, and ironclad ships. These advancements in weaponry led to higher casualty rates because soldiers could inflict more damage from greater distances.

To determine this answer, you can study the impact of new technologies used in the Civil War, such as rifled muskets and cannons, which increased the range and accuracy of fire.

3. What problem did the Missouri Compromise solve?
The correct answer is B. Northerners did not want more slave states than free states. The Missouri Compromise, enacted in 1820, aimed to balance the power between slave and free states in the United States. It admitted Missouri as a slave state, but also established a boundary line where slavery would be prohibited in future territories north of it, with the exception of Missouri.

To find this answer, you can study the Missouri Compromise and its purpose in maintaining a balance of power between the North and the South regarding the issue of slavery.

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