PLEASE HELP AND HURRY!!! In a house the size of a postage stamp

lived a man as big as a barge.
His mouth could drink the entire river
You could say it was rather large
For dinner he would eat a trillion beans
And a silo full of grain,
Washed it down with a tanker of milk
As if he were a drain.
What is the dominant type of figurative language used in the poem?
A) hyperbole
B) metaphor
C) simile
D) synecdoche

A hyperbole.

its hypeboleee

A hyperbole


To identify the dominant type of figurative language used in the poem, we need to understand the meaning of each option and analyze the examples provided in the poem.

A) Hyperbole: Hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect.

B) Metaphor: Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things by stating that one thing is another.

C) Simile: Simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using the words "like" or "as."

D) Synecdoche: Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole or vice versa.

Now, let's analyze the examples in the poem:

- "His mouth could drink the entire river": This is an example of hyperbole because it exaggerates the size of the man's mouth.

- "You could say it was rather large": This is not an example of figurative language; it's a statement describing the size of the man's mouth.

- "For dinner he would eat a trillion beans / And a silo full of grain": This is also an example of hyperbole, as it exaggerates the amount of food the man consumes.

- "Washed it down with a tanker of milk / As if he were a drain": This is another example of hyperbole, as it exaggerates the quantity of milk the man drinks.

Based on the examples provided, the dominant type of figurative language used in the poem is A) hyperbole.