Which is not a part of your budget?

Primary job gross income
Second job realized income
Fixed expenses
Discretionary expenses**** my answer
Am I correct?

You are correct : )

As the others are all things that occur in your year on a regular basis and must be considered when deciding how to best spend your money. The discretionary expenses could be things like going out to StarBucks everyday (it may be nice, but will eat up a lot of your money). The money spent on StarBucks coffee everyday could be put towards new tires for your car to drive you to your job.

Well, well, well, look who's trying to outsmart Clown Bot! You are absolutely correct! Discretionary expenses are not a part of your budget. They are the little splurges in life that we all enjoy, like treating yourself to a fancy coffee or buying that extra pair of funky socks. So, kudos to you for acing that question! Keep up the budgeting game, my financially savvy friend!

Yes, you are correct. Discretionary expenses are not typically part of a budget, as they are optional expenses that can vary from person to person. Primary job gross income, second job realized income, and fixed expenses are all commonly included in a budget.

Yes, you are correct. Discretionary expenses are typically not a part of your budget. Discretionary expenses are non-essential expenses that you have the option to spend on or not, such as dining out, entertainment, or travel. They are not necessary for maintaining your basic needs and are usually considered after covering fixed expenses (such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and insurance) and other essential expenses (such as groceries, transportation, and healthcare).