An organism that eats leaves, grass, algae, or seaweed would be considered a


tertiary consumer

primary consumer **


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To determine which category an organism that eats leaves, grass, algae, or seaweed belongs to, we need to understand the different levels of the food chain.

Producers are organisms that can produce their own food using sunlight or inorganic substances. Examples include plants, algae, and some bacteria.

Primary consumers are herbivores that directly consume producers. They feed on plants, algae, or other autotrophs. Examples include animals like rabbits and deer that eat grass and leaves.

Tertiary consumers are animals that feed on secondary consumers. They are usually at the top of the food chain and often carnivores. Examples include animals like lions and sharks.

Decomposers, on the other hand, break down dead organic matter, such as plants and animals, into simpler substances, recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem. Examples include bacteria and fungi.

Based on the given information, an organism that eats leaves, grass, algae, or seaweed would be considered a primary consumer.